by AeroWeb | Jan 11, 2021 | Alumni
Victoria Veksler Marblehead, MA Marblehead High School Telling friends and family about my experiences in Poland, not many were ready listeners. They know about the Holocaust, they have studied it in classrooms, read books, or even heard presenters talk about...
by AeroWeb | Jan 11, 2021 | Alumni
Olivia Voznyuk Swampscott, MA Swampscott High School When I was just about ten years old, we briefly learned about the Holocaust in school. The only explanation I ever received was what the Holocaust was and who was involved. We were assigned a book to read at...
by AeroWeb | Jan 11, 2021 | Alumni
Adam Zamansky Marblehead, MA Marblehead High School There I stood halfway across the world at the concentration camp Majdanek, several feet away from a hill of ashes, the remains of 18,000 people. The hot, humid weather beat down on my sunburnt back. My legs...
by AeroWeb | Jan 11, 2021 | Alumni
Dina Zeldin Newton, MA Newton South High School Birch trees stand tall in Poland. They reach up toward the heavens, where God slept. They are white and pure, and their forests invite picnic-ers and mushroom-gatherers. They dance in the wind like innocent, overgrown...